Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Ending

2008 ended on a great note and we rang in 2009 with much fanfare.

Audrey girl is pictured on New Year's Eve playing Papa Bliss' (Eric's dad) trumpet. He would have been 85 on January 1st so we toasted him and all tried our lips at playing some notes in his honor!

We filled the final weeks of the year with a lot of activity and much joy.

Many of the adventures were snow filled

Once back inside we indulged in fresh baked treats to fend off the cold.

I loved this photo of dear Olivia. She looks so grown up to me. When I took this picture I was imagining her many years from now home from college chatting with me and enjoying a croissant together.

We had several game nights---here are some shots below of a round of charades

We tackled some craft projects

and went on several fun outings.

Alice the dog was invited on this one--to lunch no less!

Christmas was truly lovely.

Here are my beautiful girls at our church's Christmas Eve service.

After a night of snacks, cocktails, and friendship shared with the LaMarrs, the girls prepped for Santa's arrival with cookies, milk, carrots
and special requests (Audrey asked Santa to please not go in her room---same drill for the leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day and Charlotte the tooth fairy can only go as far as the bureau...)

It was our first Christmas morning spent as just the four of us since gramma was snowed in at her home in upstate New York.

Christmas day was a peaceful, beautiful, and snowy one...

Olivia scored the iPod she's been requesting for two years now. Eric and Santa exchanged many emails over this gift as Eric sorted out the pros/cons. Apparently Santa was convincing...
Here's Audrey in new garb!Audrey presented me with a book she made for me and Eric--it's all about her and written by her. Darling.New Year's Eve was spent at Chez LaMarr. Oh, what a night!
Bff's celebrating!And Carrie and Darren doing the same!

My mixmaster, E. Gin martini with a splash of scotch. Next time--just ONE!

So here it is 2009 and as I end one year with fabulous memories and much gratitude I look forward to the year ahead with a heart brimming with love and hope.

At bedtime tonite each of the girls sang me beautiful songs they wrote especially for me. Priceless. I then asked them about their favorite memories of 2008 (Audrey's was the day her teacher, Mr. Bill, returned from surgery and Liv's was the day she celebrated her 8th birthday at Libby Lu).

I asked them about what they wanted to experience in 2009. Audrey said she hopes it will be the best year she's ever had in all her five years of life and that she can't wait for some new Disney Channel shows that are coming out soon. Olivia questioned my reason for asking and inquired, "Did you see the stars on Disney's 'Totally New Year' telling what they were looking forward to this year?" Uh, no!

After my "get great legs in '98" vow was never fulfilled I have never made another New Year's resolution but tonite I wonder if that should change. Maybe 2009 should be the year my kids watch much less TV!
Happy New Year and may 2009 be a magical one for you & yours.


McJuicemom said...

K - You are so good at living a full life and from the outside it looks to be so much on purpose. Unlike us over here bumbling our way through the crazy stressed days of the holidays and barely making the requisite stops along the way. Game nights, craft days, lunch dates and home baked anything didn't make our list, but you'd definitely be the people to have in my "commune" to teach me all the things one should be doing (having fun and connecting with each other) rather that the crazy disconnected junk I seem to make myself do through list making. Thanks for the reminder that this really sould be a time of family and friends and my resolution for next year is to do more of that!

Olivia Bliss said...

Oh, Rebecca. What a lovely note to read tonite. Your children are so wonderful-- I know you're all doing things just as they should be done. I have much to talk with you about. Been a very long, hard week for many and my thoughts and prayers are consumed. Just put Audrey down for the night and as she prayed she said, "I hope you can understand God that I cannot possibly count all my blessings because it's just too high a number to reach." I am hoping one day to think more like her. Much love, my friend. k