Friday, September 3, 2010


we are at the beach. it is overcast, chilly-- and perfect. i love everything about being here. the houses are charming. the air smells pure. the girls are active and giddy. eric is relaxed. dogs are playful by day and exhausted by night. cooking is pure joy when i am here as i find ways to make do with whatever we threw in the cooler. i love opening the girls beds and prepping the dogs blankets for slumber. doing the dishes is therapeutic as i run the water and listen to the girls and eric chatter. prepping for the walk to the market, packing the beach bag, sweeping the porch--i love it all. simple. easy. happiness. i have been saying repeatedly since we arrived "i am so happy".

and then i decided to download some pictures i snapped today and blog a bit about my happy place and i discovered wi-fi. (until i discovered i had access to wi-fi i had not tapped in to the fact that part of my over the top happiness was because i thought i was totally unplugged--not a chance for a signal). wrong. and because i have no willpower i checked email and i read one that upset me and my happy place immediately became a distant memory. boo. and then eric saw that there was in fact wi-fi and he started tweeting and emailing and the whole world came into my cozy cottage and they weren't invited. boo. again. but i am taking my black and white self and reclaiming bliss.

i trust these sweet shots of my boy and girls and beasts will bring me back there in no time.

bella & bliss beach bound

skateboarding sweetie
believe it
post-dinner spin
                                                                    my three loves


Nick said...

The four of you together, at the beach, unplugged ... you all must have felt pure bliss! Don't let life sneak in during these treasured moments. Hope you all have a fabulous time.