Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today marked a rite of passage for my Olivia. After suffering insecurity for her "fuzzy legs" for far too many years of her young life I succumbed to her pressure and allowed her to shave.

I prepped the bathroom with comfy, warm towels and the perfect temperature bath water and we sat along the tub's edge together. I slowly and methodically lathered up my babe's legs as we both bubbled with nerves and excitement. Rubbing her strong long legs I refelected on when I first lathered them with cream some 10 years ago. I thought of all the times I bathed her over the years and how we made Santa beards with soap bubbles, how she first learned to go under water, and the stories we'd swap about our respective days as we soaked together.
Uncharacteristcally, I took my time with Olivia this morning-- reveling in the simple act of shaving her beautiful legs. I fully embraced the moment and acknowledged how this is a part of her journey and how blessed and grateful I am to be on it with her. As the blond hairs made way for the smooth skin that Liv has been longing for she happily chatted and I happily focused. Sweet kid sis, Audrey, wandered in in the midst of it all and climbed in the tub water. Listening to my girls laughing and spinning tales together was bliss.  Watching Audrey moisturize Olivia's legs was pure joy.

Together we ventured into new territory today. Liv waited so long for this day, Audrey was so thoroughly excited for her sister, and I genuinely lived in the moment knowing this would be a memory Olivia would never forget. And now neither will her mama. Thank you once again, my girls, for helping me adjust my sails and for making the journey magical.


Nick said...

**Love this post, k** brought tears to my eyes remembering my first shave (though my mom was not an active participant - i remember every moment of when I finally got the courage to ask). What an amazing moment shared with your incredible daughters. Lifetime memories ...

Juli Rose said...

Beautiful post and word choices. It brought tears to my eyes too. You made this rite of passage so special for all three of you girls. Enjoy your new chapter.