Saturday, June 23, 2012


My Olivia.

Olivia completed her first year of middle school. It was no easy feat. She worked long, hard hours on homework. She dealt with demanding parents who hold the bar at unreasonable heights. She learned to navigate friends personalities (& their hormones and their insecurities). And her own. She grappled to understand lectures, lessons, and teacher expectations. 

She came through it all victoriously. 

Images and captions below offer a glimpse of life as 6th grader Liv. 

buds bound for sailish expedition. 4 days out at sea.
Go Brighton Basketball.
snow day kisses. Charlotte.

American Girl. Marie Grace.

sweet supporters.

dear friends. end of year concert.

soggy sixth graders. field day.

sweet treat. smiles. 

beach day beauties.

school project with papa.

middle school dance.
dancing queens.

videos and vegging. afternoon ritual.
sister act. SCT audition.

destination imagination.

my joy. welcome home from sailish.

belly laughing bliss. 

my beautiful firstborn.

I am so proud of you, Olivia.  As you move through life as the loving, bright, talented, silly, sweet beauty that you are please know I will be right here on the sidelines (and sometimes helicoptering above ;) always supporting you.  

And forever in awe of you. 
My heart, always. 