Sunday, July 6, 2008


Heard a fabulous sermon at church today on Letting Go and Giving In to God. The pastor taught about Moses and about some verses from Phillipians 4: 6-8. It was all about how God is a personal & empathetic God who is in control and bigger than any of our failures or any of our tasks. The pastor spoke about how overwhelmed we are throughout our days and how God meets us where we're at and wants to help guide us through. He pointed out that we tend to find ourselves overwhelmed often because that is when we finally reach out to something bigger than ourselves. God is calling us to lean on Him.

So there I was in church- moved and focused.

Then I went out into the real world.

And went bathing suit shopping. Dear friends sent an amazing travel package and letter detailing the awesome adventures planned on our "surprise trip" we're embarking on with them and the kids soon. One of the key things they pointed out was you just need swimwear and shorts. Sounds heavenly-if only I did not look like ME in swimwear.

After swim suit shopping WITH the kids--as if I wasn't stressed enough ALONE I came home to the curtain rod and drapes crashed down on the kitchen floor (last week the kitchen drawer busted, none of the burners on the stove would ignite and the beef I prepared for the penne dish was recalled so kitchen disasters have been plaguing us a bit).

Eric then calls to ask me about dates for his mom's visit this summer. The trip that we pay for (have you seen airline prices lately?) The trip that she waits to take with baited breath since she loves to get away and relax. The trip where we run around like circus freaks entertaining her since she does not get many opportunities to do so herself.

Meantime, the neighbor girl came home from a week away and until this afternoon Liv and the other kids have been getting along swimmingly all week. Moments after her arrival Olivia came into the house and announced she was done playing outside. For The Summer. I sent her back outside immediately.

A short time later Audrey and I walked up to the park to see if all was going well with Liv and the other two girls. She was no where near them. Audrey broached them instead and asked them point blank if they did not like her sister. "What?" Talk about out of left field. I reprimanded her for not minding her own business and off we trotted. She was in tears.

As we sat on the back deck and I explained to her that this was between Liv and her friends an irate neighbor came up to me swearing about how Fribble "poops" (not his word...) in his yard continuously. In fact he had just done so in front of this guy's girlfriend. He also told me how his neighbor blames HIS dog for the dog poop and it's not his dog doing it.

Eric called again confirming dates for his mom's trip. As I was searching for my PDA to check my calendar I noticed Apple the fish died. Apple the fish died about 3 weeks ago and this was Apple Take Two.

In an effort to try to make ammends with the angry neighbor and cheer up the distraught daughter I started a baking project. Chocolate chip cookies for all. Unfortunately, I melted the butter too much when attempting to soften it and did not have any extra to spare (melted butter makes for flat and hard cookies- ugh). When I went to take a picture of my peace meal cookies and now smiling daughter I dropped the camera on the counter. The lens won't close and it's busted.

Officially overwhelmed.


Anonymous said...

I'm too much of a control freak to surrender to God. I prefer to just say "f*ck it" and go eat some ice cream.

Hang in there. Half of the things that happened probably wouldn't have bothered you to the extent they did except you were already overwhelmed to begin with. Dose up on your B vitamins and get to bed early. Hugs.