Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Little Bo Peep

Frib had surgery today. Poor old goat has lumps and bumps popping out all over him. Not sure how much they bother him actually but the sight of them sure offends us. (OK, more than that his vet advised us that they should be removed.) Last year he had a giant growth removed from his "backside." This time one was growing out of his eye (the vet took off that one and 3 more on his body). Apparently the incision site on his eye was bugging him so he scratched at it and lathered himself into a bloody mess while I was paying the bill. Out came the cone.

"He looks just like Little Bo Peep," commented Audrey. He's been fodder for much laughter ever since. He ran into the door, walked into the car, and rounding a corner is quite a daunting task as he clunks along. After picking him up from the vet we ran into the hair salon to get the girls hair trimmed and Liv asked if we could bring Frib in with us. "No" Audrey quickly replied. "He'll stay right here looking for his lost sheep."


Anonymous said...

Let's call a spade a spade here. We have any of those growths removed because we have any concern for Fribble's well being. This was canine cosmetic surgery at it's most repulsive. We were simply trying to keep this dog from getting any uglier.

Katie said...

Poor Fribbie dib.