Friday, September 5, 2008

Class of 2021

Audrey & Olivia, Audrey's First day of Kindergarten

Little Audrey E started kindergarten on Tuesday and the TV cameras were there to capture it! (video below)

I am a gloating mama!

Eric's station asked the other day if the staff knew of any soon to be kindergartners. They wanted to follow one through the preparation and routine (and excitement) of the night before school and connect again with the student on day one. Just as Brooke Shield's stage mom would do--I (naturally) jumped at the chance!

The camera crew spent time filming her on Mon. night and then were at our doorstep doing a liveshot at 6:45 this morning-- live from our kitchen as she at breakfast at 7:30 this a.m.-- and so on. Bits and pieces of the attached story ran in seven newscasts (the carpet cleaner I called today asked if I was her mom based on my last name and address--the woman at the nail salon (who speaks very little English) told Olivia today that she saw her on TV and her Sunday school teacher just left a message--and on and on!) Audrey feels like a superstar. Bless it. I am so proud of the little diva. You'd never know I was married to a guy on TV yet there's something about it being your KID. ;)

Here is one of the segments that aired live from her classroom...

Clearly, she is not lacking in confidence! "I'm REALLY great at math." ha! quick side note--after this story first aired Audrey was really down. When I asked her why she said she felt bad because she was "braggy" about her math skills. Bless her---I told her she should be proud of herself and they probably used that quote because when I grew up they didn't think girls could do math or science well.

OK--all for now BIG thanks for indulging me!


fiona said...

Now, there's a GAL I could vote for as Vice President of the USA! (And not the option we have facing us in 2008!!!) Heck, I'd vote Audrey for President!!! Ditto Olivia!

My gosh, didn't Audrey just shine in that TV segment!

We're so proud of her!

Katie said...

You are so sweet. I read her your comment about her "auntie by association" being proud of her and she said we have to write her back right now and tell her how happy that made my heart...Wilkinson/Wilkinson ticket it is! Don't we have a yard sign or coaster or undies already showing our support? ;)

KarenK said...

What a sweetie! I also got the K5 call for kindergarteners, but didn't think CSR was ready for the media spotlight. I like the line about nutritious pizza for dinner. Where do you order that from? ;-)

Anonymous said...

oh my that was so cute! i love the michigan state thing and i second the wilkinson/wilkinson ticket. but hey where was frib? ;)

Katie said...

Locked upstais in the bedroom--(Frib's location). He remains a twit, beloved neighborhood dog, and often times the bain of my existence...k