Monday, September 8, 2008


The tears finally came at kindergarten drop off this morning. They were mine. After a bustling first week of school the reality set in.

As we ascended the steps to Audrey's classroom I relived the few short minutes I'd had with my young beautiful girl this morning. Her sweet, sleepy smile when I pulled back her curtains and turned on a lullaby from her Cinderella soundtrack. Her request for "high" pigtails and flower ribbons and kneesocks. Her warm, sticky kiss after a breakfast of waffles and syrup.

We tightly held hands as we do each morning. As we went up the stairs she asked me what I'd be doing today. I have to read some emails I told her. "I can read quietly next to you," she said. I'd like to get a quick walk in I added. "I love when we go on our walks." I told her I'd be going quickly and would have my iPod on listening to a church sermon that I missed. "I will go in the stroller and bring a snack and a book and I promise I wouldn't bother you", she said. I'll probably grab lunch while I work I continued. "I could do an activity book and we could have tea and cottage cheese together," she said.

After popping her lunchbox in her locker she took a book from the corner of the room and sat in her seat. I gave her a long hug goodbye. She blew me a kiss through the window and I continued to watch her for a moment. Her face showed concern and then I saw her approach a boy sitting in the corner. He was crying. Audrey asked him something and then nodded and walked away. She went back to him a moment later and just sat by him.

I know she would be a wonderful companion to me today--to read with, walk with, and eat with but I believe God wants us to share our gifts with others so I turned and left and for a few more hours gave Audrey to the world.


Anonymous said...

You are such an amazing mom. I think I shed maybe one tear when Mike started school, but I vividly remember dancing a jig as I left school for the others! Now it has been like 5 years since I had a child home with me daily...I would kill to take a walk and have a coffee with Audrey. Ship her out here! Share her with MEEEEEEE! I could use a girly week,so send Liv, too. I promise, no scorpions. pedicures all around. xo. bets

Anonymous said...


You know I've been in a funk lately and I realized I didn't really celebrate Schyler's launch into grade school as I should. I was half joking when I told parents by the kindergarten classroom that I very nearly kept the car running and booted him out on the kerb!

I cried buckets the day I dropped Alex at the door of that first school day (he was only four too!)I've been preparing so long for this third child to join his siblings at school that somehow I've forgotten how precious the time is; how quick it passes and I'm sad I did not celebrate this sweet milestone with the wee lad!

Thanks for reminding me...(you too Mike's mom!)


KarenK said...

What a gift. As we struggle in our house to get used to kindergarten, your words of sharing your gift with the world give me new perspective. I can't (and probably shouldn't) keep the gift God gave to me all to myself. Thanks Katie! Inspirational.

Katie said...

Good to hear from all of you and thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love the input from the veteran mamas (and those with more kids than I have--Bets and Car)! KK, your first little's not easy. He will get along just fine and it's critical that we share them with the universe...even when we want to pull up the covers and snug all day with them. ox to you all, k

Anonymous said...

I loved read "sharing". Audrey is such a sweet little Miss, full of love and compassion. She is so genuine and being around her one realizes this gift she has for it flows from her in action and words. She is a special child with wisdom beyond her years. I do love to spend time with her. I just wish I could do so more often.
In July when we'd walk to Starbuck's for our tea and hot chocolate and share a bagel and a slice of banana bread I learned so much from her.She'd start the conversation and it would go from there talking all the way and even chose the way we'd walk-the long way or the short way- always explaining her reasoning. She can be very convincing. I love her spirit and happy heart. God has blessed us all by giving Audrey to us to love and learn from. xxoo Mom/Meme

McJuicemom said...

You are so thoughtful to share Aufrey and yourself with the world. We celebrated very quickly and loudly - Julian thought that his first day of kindergarten was the BEST DAY OF HIS LIFE! Mostly because no one made fun of his very short hair cut. They are in their rythm and I'm back to my crazy sponning tasks and to do and meetings and appointments and doing doing doing ... out of control. It happened much faster this year than in others. But your words inspired me to take more time - when I can - to enjoy this last rite of passage and Julian's last year at LFPM. It'll be a special memory for him, I'm sure, and for Audrey too!

Katie said...

Meme, thank you for your comment. I will remind Audrey of your walks and talks. Both my girls love to hear and share stories all about them and family and friends. Rebecca, sounds like the treadmill got turned up way too fast for you. Me, too. Hoping to get back to yoga this fall considering I missed more than I attended with summer schedule! Love to all, k

Juli Rose said...

What a precious story you shared. I love the way you just drink up those moments with your girls and share the stories so beautifully. I unexpectedly caught the news story with Miss Audrey the other day. What a doll! So poised and articulate for such a little girl. I appreciate your perspective on sharing God’s little gift with others. That touched my heart. J.

Anonymous said...

You've written many beautiful stories on your blog, Katie. But none quite so beautiful, to me, as this. Our kids are so fortunate to have a mom like you who sees the beauty in the little things that so many of us take for granted. Thanks for helping keep my eyes open to the incredible wonders of our kids.

Nick said...

You are amzing, k! As tears stream down my face I stop and remember how lucky we are. I love this post so perfectly written. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of your life and family.

Love to you,