Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Memes Totally Rock. My Mom Included

Through my dear friend Carrie I learned what a six word "meme" is ( a way to sum up your life in six words) and then she "tagged" me to create my own meme. More details below on how it started and how to play...

For now, my meme(s!)

I'm more like a 1950's dad. (briefcase. scotch. slippers, newspaper. dinner. bed--never happens but sounds good...)

Black. white. and pink all over. (I am SO black and white- either in or out. love it or leave it. As for pink~ I simply love all things pink!)

Crazy. crazed. bliss. blessed. mamahood. madness. (sums me up)

I'm as neurotic as my dog. (understatement)

I don't play by the rules (case in point---you're supposed to have one meme to sum you up)

how do you smell the roses? (my journey to chilling...)

I spend my days managing expectations (such is the world of PR)

I'm a dog with a bone (If I'm onto something, look out!)

No more laptop in our bed (husband and counselor banned it entirely)

Fear of death can kill you (Amen)

My kids behave better than me (enough said)

Clutter and chaos make me crazy.

Alice the dog makes me Zen.

I need to get to work!

Here is the low-down on Memes...

The story was recently featured on NPR. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18768430

Here are the rules:
1. Write your own six word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere
4. Tag five more blogs with links
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!I was tagged by Carrie http://eternal-musings-of-the-muddled-mind.blogspot.com/

I'm Tagging:
Rebecca, Mara, Karen, Sarah, Kira


fiona said...

Now that's a memoir.

Six words..heck I think that was six paragraphs..

Laughing my head off about the laptop in bed, as here I sit with my laptop in bed and my sweet husband sitting next me, with his laptop too...

we are simply geeks in love

Now that's a meme that sums up my life right now...

Loved this post...and yes, your meme does rock and I'm looking forward to meeting her again this summer... we could all do with some motherly advice...


Katie said...

ha! Here's another...
I am green with laptop envy.

McJuicemom said...

Thanks for the tag! It was perfect to get the creative juices flowing - one of the founding reasons I started to blog in the first place.
Your memes are great, too!! Love learning new things about my friends.

KarenK said...

I saw Carrie's meme first and it got me to thinking... but didn't take any action on it... now that I've been tagged, I've got my deadline-- since I'm deadline driven. Maybe that's my start. Thanks k!

Nick said...

O-my ... didn't realize I was tagged. I'm behind in my blogging exercises. Crap ...
