Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thank you

I thank you all that have offered support, comments, & special thoughts today after my latest post about me/Liv. I am so touched by your candor and friendship. From your insightful post, b (I know how deeply you love your mom and what a role model she has been to you your entire life and into raising your own four kids) to the beautiful, spot-on quote, AD, to the well wish, Car, and to the other emails and phone calls I received today regarding this post. S, you were so candid and thoughtful in your approach and your thoughts are always welcome. My parents spent more than an hour chatting with me from across the ocean trying to help me sort through it all. And then there's dear Eric. Stuck in the middle, just as helpless, equally vested, and desperately wanting to make everything right for his family. Please know how grateful I am to you all. And more than that, please know that I am listening. And I am working on what a major role I have in the chaos and anxiety. You are all true friends, good souls, and I am so glad you're in my life.


Nick said...

You have so much strength, Katie, and so dedicated to your family. I love your honesty and appreicate knowing I'm not the only one having similar struggles with my kids. I, to, will find the strength to publically write about the love and daily struggles with family. I only hope I can be as open.

I think you and Liv sorted through this bump amazingly. You have taught both your girls love, appreciation, and respect ... they're kids and with that please know you have planted the deep seed of family love. Your girls "get-it" they just need to work through what "it" is.

You go girl ... speaking for myself I'm learning tons from you (and your wonderful friends who comment) and only hope to be as strong and loving toward my family.

Love you,

McJuicemom said...

I cried. I could feel how deeply sad this makes you feel and I hope you foow your heart and see if there's a third party who might have some solutions for you all to possibly avail yourselves of.
One thing is for sure - you have shown your daughters how to courageously talk things out and to use words sometimes to tell how they feel. That's a really awesome thing. Liv will outgrow her tantrums and you will both live long enough to laugh about this later, but I hope for you both that you can find peace sooner - I can tell it weighs heavily on you both!
Know that you have friends to lean on - no judgment! Only caring and love,

Katie said...

Thank you both. What real friends I have and thank you for the lack of judgement. I treasure all the thoughts, words, and hope you provide. See you very soon. ox, k