Sunday, November 18, 2007

Exchanging Glances

The girls and I spotted gorgeous, decadent looking caramel apples dipped in rich chocolate and smothered in nuts at the market the other day. No question we just had to have them. Liv and I thought about them all afternoon. We even explained all the ingredients to Eric over dinner. Apples. Caramel. Chocolate. Roasted Nuts. yummmm.

Clearly, females bond over food and if chocolate is involved...even better. And in my case if nuts are added then you've won me forever. Eric knows if he is getting cookies or ice cream or any kind of special treats for us then he must be sure to get something with nuts! Any kind at all. The more the better.

So as Eric was upstairs brushing Audrey's teeth and Liv had just moments left of her computer time before heading up to prepare for bed, I decided it was time for her and me to "bond".

I took the apples out of the container, opened the drawer and grabbed the knife, got the cutting board from the cupboard, and started slicing. As I walked through each step, Olivia would glance over occassionally but not say a word.

I then took out two small dessert plates and laid the caramel, chocolate, nut coated apples on each plate. I placed one of the dishes in front of Liv. She looked up at me and still without uttering a word gave me a look and smile that said so much.

It probably simply said, "For me, Mom? YUM!"

But to me that sweet albeit toothy grin said much, much more.
It said:

You make me so happy, Mom.

You do know what you're doing, Mom.

I know how hard you try and how it doesn't come easy for you, Mom.

I love you regardless, Mom.

One day I hope my girls share such an exchange with their children. My wish is that they will feel how powerful it can be to connect with them.

I'd take moments like that again over anything, any day...even nuts.


fiona said...

Oh KT.. this post was so lovely.

Sometimes love is in the look, the glance, the smile... words are superfluous..

This is my favourite blog so far!!

Oh and I'm a NUT girl too..
(which probably explains a lot!)

Katie said...

You are such a dear. Thank you for the kind words. We are both "nuts" and blessed. ;) k

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Katie. You do know how to make someone tear up, don't you? What a sweet post! It makes me long for the days when Sophia is old enough to "bond" with me in my moments like that.


Katie said...

How lovely to hear from you, Mimi! I am flattered you read my blog and commented, too! Please stay in touch! I know you and Sophia will be bonding over food, music, and more in no time. I can still recall my first days with Liv, my 1st born! Hope your holiday season is magical as a new family. I would love to see pics of your baby girl since you are sooo talented behind (and in front) of the camera! k

Jaime Webber said...

This is such a great story. Especially after my little girl told me she is "not my daughter!!" this morning after she couldn't pick out a pair of pants! I know she is heated and fiesty & I love that but... I am longing for a carmel apple moment with her- SOON! Well written my friend, I'll let you know how the rest of the day progresses... I am certain I'll be her mom again after dinner:)Jj

Katie said...

Hope Hannah accepted you again after school. As for me, Audrey had 2 meltdowns yesterday complete with yelling I HATE YOU and hitting me. Gasp! She is my mentor after all. It was a hellish day but I kept my mouth shut for literally the first time in my life so while my heart was crushed, I was guilt free. She slept like a baby last night and today was back to sheer magic. This mama ride is one rockin' roller coaster that sometimes completely blows....