Saturday, February 23, 2008

Me & June--Two Girls in the 'Burbs

June Cleaver eat your heart out. I too am learning to do some daily chores and find live blissful.

It's been a fabulous Saturday. And yet I haven't done much of anything. Or at least what I've done is not the least bit exciting. And yet it's been perfect.

Here's how this Saturday has been spent.

Audrey woke me up with her dreadful cough. Poor thing has been hacking and letting out whimpers in her sleep for 4 nights now. While that is certainly not "perfect" climbing into bed with her and being greeted with her beautiful bright smile and outstretched arms--that is perfect.

It was 7:30 and so we lay peacefully together until 8 and then I read her some new library books.

Made French Breakfust Puffs (cinnamon, nutmeg, sugary muffins) and the "big" girls woke up from their sleepover and devoured them.

Wrapped some up in a tea towel and dropped in front of Carrie & Darren's door.

Took out the Easter decorations. I know it's early but there are not many of them so scattered some things here and there and it feels a bit more like spring here at Wilkinson Manor!

Chilled in a sunny spot in the living room with the dogs and chatted with Eric about his first meeting with the new boss. He is a pro and it sounds like the new guy recognizes it- woo hoo!

Enjoyed a puff myself with an ice cold mug of milk.

Folded two loads of laundry as Audrey sorted the socks.

Washed Alice the dog in the tub.

Wrote loads of bills and balanced the family checkbook. $103.04 off (not in my favor-ugh)

And so I sit--thoroughly enjoying this sunny Saturday. Half eaten bowl of oatmeal in front of me, paperwork to be organized, chatter of kids playing in Audrey's bedroom, dogs are sleeping, Liv is at the neighbors, Eric is at the market, and it's date night. I doubt June ever had it so good.

p.s. June may not have had it so good but I doubt she was manic. Not 3 hours after I wrote this I had a tantrum. I was balancing my business check book and preparing to pay a big check to my SEP (self employment plan) since it's due near tax time. Which got me to thinking about the clients that never paid me. $22K+ is what I've lost over the years ($10K in 2007 alone). And I can't write the loss off--my accountant has some fancy explanation as to why but I am too pissy now to go into it. So I was totally unhappy all of a sudden. I went upstairs to get in the shower and popped into the girls rooms to straighten them up a bit. I spotted granola crumbs ground into the floor in Olivia's room and I lost it. Audrey was the last one eating granola so life for her was about to stink. I threw open the bedroom window and screamed to Audrey (who was happily painting rocks in the front yard) to "Get in this house NOW." Audrey came into the house sobbing. Nice. I doubt June ever yelled at Wally & The Beav for spilled cereal! And now it's date night and "Ward" is not the least bit impressed with me. I don't blame him a bit...


fiona said...

I'm thankful I didn't grow up with the image of June Cleaver being the perfect housewife and that my dear mum was often chaos personified. And isn't dear June in some asylum now telling her fellow inmates: "Welcome to the neighborhood?" or something??!! ;-)

Here's another June Cleaver quote for you:

"Do you think all parents have this much trouble?"

And the answer my dear friend is "YES"!!

Just another day in Momma Land...

Katie said...

Thanks, Car. Makes me feel better for sure. Although I am ashamed to think that so much of my kids therapy $ as adults will be spent sorting through my chaos I thrust upon them...Hope you're on the mend with that cold of yours! k